The Apple Newton is truly a revolutionary device. Just look at what you can do with it!
- Browse the Web
- Read eMail
- Chat via IRC, AIM and Jabber
- Open a PT100 session to a Terminal
- Subscribe to RSS Feeds
- Read your favorite Newsgroup
- Sync with iCal and Address Book on Mac OS X
- Control your Computer or the Newton itself via VNC
- Run a Webserver
- Have it speak text
- Play MP3s
- Fax, Print and Beam documents
- …and even Blog with it.
This very post was written and posted entirely using a newton. Not bad for ten year old hardware. People have even written software to deal with the Newton’s 2010 problem, while other software lets you edit the time zones to compensate for this years DST change. I don’t see the Newton dying until it can no longer understand the current year. This happens somewhere around 2037, so that gives a few years to write a patch.
The Newton never dies, it just gets new batteries.