Archive for April, 2006

PDF in Safari

Monday, April 24th, 2006

I was reading the Surfin’ Safari Weblog and read that safari supports embedded pdfs!

Embeded PDF

Very interesting! It’s not a perfect implementation, as you have to force a size of the image, but otherwise it just works.

Cringely is a Loon

Friday, April 21st, 2006

As Dvorak is a Troll, Cringely is a Loon.


That is all.

Well, not quite.

Cringely has an interesting point, however. An Apple made Darwine implementation would be very interesting. It may be a while before we see it, though.

Remember how long Marklar took? Unless they are already working on it…

Dvorak is a Troll

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Dvorak is a Troll.

Do not feed the Troll

That is all.

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