Archive for June, 2009

Da Blog

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Da Blog. Daaa Blog. Da blog da blog da blog…


Again, my blog has become extremely neglected, so let me start at the beggining… or at least somewhere in the middle of where I left off last time.

You may notice that my last entry was in 2008, about an event that happened in 2007. I had fully intended to continue with the items in my Updating My Blog post, but due to circumstances unbeknownst to me the hard drive containing all the pictures that I wanted to post became completely unresponsive. After that, there was no reason to write a post about a bunch of pictures I no longer had.


Flash forward a few months and I actually call the company that made my hard drive to try and get a replacement. I went through all the symptoms and got back this message:


The symptoms you’re describing are usually a problem with the power supply cable, rather than the drive itself.

As it is a worthwhile troubleshooting step, and I can also tell by your serial that you are within warranty, I will send one to you at no charge.

They ship Federal Express ground, and should be with you in approximately 3-5 business days.

I plugged in the new power cable, turned the Hard Drive on and low and behold, he was right! I had all my photos back! I did learn an important lesson about a proper backup; The backup isn’t the only place you store important things, even if you are starved for disk space.

And so begins the story of the past two years…