Archive for the ‘Software’ Category

LaserLine 2.0

Friday, April 20th, 2007

Recently, I’ve been working on LaserLine 2.0, software to view, edit and create laser light shows. It’s sort of a Final Cut Pro for lasers. It supports the industry standard .ilda file format for import and export. Personaly, I’ve been working on adding rudamentary SVG importation. I have about 80% of the basic drawing methods, with only a few things (relative path elements and eliptical curves) left to support.

On the whole, it’s interesting as my first serious Objective-C project. Although my unreleased “SystemBar Test”, an app that parsed HTML into a menu bar to display how much I’ve downloaded, was also a fun exercise it was no where near release status.

Re-Introducing the Real Windows Vista

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

Re-Introducing the Real Windows Vista

Back in January, Tauquil Atkinson posted video of a Microsoft Exec presenting the new features of Vista in what Tauquil calls Re-Introducing the Real Windows Vista. This isn’t your ordinary Vista introductory presentation, as Tauquil has replaced the video of Vista with video of Mac OS X. What results is the audio, describing Vista, matches up perfectly with features demonstrated in Mac OS X.


My Newton

Monday, May 22nd, 2006

My Newton

My Newton has a case of the jaggies, so the HWR isn’t as good as it should be. Oh well, I’ll look into it.

Despite the problems, I have NPDS running, and can be accessed from

Cringely is a Loon

Friday, April 21st, 2006

As Dvorak is a Troll, Cringely is a Loon.


That is all.

Well, not quite.

Cringely has an interesting point, however. An Apple made Darwine implementation would be very interesting. It may be a while before we see it, though.

Remember how long Marklar took? Unless they are already working on it…

Dvorak is a Troll

Monday, April 17th, 2006

Dvorak is a Troll.

Do not feed the Troll

That is all.

This image from the Wikipedia is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details)
Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Myst V

Tuesday, October 4th, 2005

Well, I got Myst V, End of Ages last week. It was only a little bit more disappointing than Myst IV. I finished it in two days, while It took me three for Myst IV. I calculate I spent a total of 9 hours in game.

The hardest puzzle? Well, that’d be a spoiler wouldn’t it. It did take a night’s sleep to figure out 🙂 .

Riven still owns all of the others in the series.
To sum up:
Riven > Myst >> Myst III > Myst IV > Myst V.


Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

Cocoa is fun.
Mmmm… Objective-C.

I’ll write more when I can actually, um, Code.

Leaks are very prevalent in my code. But I can get some stuff to work, sort of.


Monday, August 29th, 2005

I recently converted RSS readers, from NetNewsWire Lite to Vienna. It’s open source (Apache 2.0 license), opposed to NetNewsWire, which is proprietary.

Vienna has all the features I care about, and if I ever feel like adding more, I could. Once I learn Cocoa, that is.

Server Advances

Sunday, August 28th, 2005

I’m getting more and more fun stuff everyday.

Today, I just set up https and WebDav, resulting in secure WebDav. Very fun. Now I should be able to access my files from any computer, not just the ones with a sftp client on them.

There seems to be some conflicts between the WebDav and WordPress as it keeps asking me to log in to WebDav for some reason. I think I’ll figure out what’s happening eventually.

WordPress Dash seems to have been broken by a recent WordPress update as well. I’ll have to see what’s wrong with it, too.

WordPress Dash

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

I just found this interesting software called WordPress Dash. It seems to be quite handy, but I’m not sure if I’ll ever use it.

To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m going to use this blog at all.