Don’t Panic! It’s only the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, one of the best works of science fiction in existence. Created by the late comedic mastermind Douglas Adams, it is the definitive multi-medium self-contradicting SciFi trilogy in five parts. It began life as a radio series, which then became five books, six television episodes, two video games, another radio series and eventually a movie, all written by the same man. Although some mediums convey the Hitchhiker’s universe better than others, Adams succeeds everywhere. I’ve seen/played/heard just about everything Adams has been involved in, with the exception of a few of his early television shows, of which he’s written a few Dr Who episodes, and his non-SciFi books, including “The Meaning of Liff”(sic) and “Last Chance to See”. I hope to consume these once I find them. In the mean time I listen to the radio series and read the book from time to time for a good laugh.