Archive for the ‘Hardware’ Category

My Newton

Monday, May 22nd, 2006

My Newton

My Newton has a case of the jaggies, so the HWR isn’t as good as it should be. Oh well, I’ll look into it.

Despite the problems, I have NPDS running, and can be accessed from

Broken Rant

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

I have come to the conclusion that my DVD/CD burner can no longer read commercially pressed CDs. Burned CDs seem to work, but not pressed CDs. DVDs of both varieties also seem to work. I did send the computer in for repairs a month ago. However, after finally receiving it three weeks later they told me they could find nothing wrong with the Drive. Brilliant. I just tested 7 Pressed CDs, 6 of which are brand new. And guess what? 100% failure rate.

Now I have to find another month to go without my computer, or spend $100 on a temporary solution.


Mighty Mouse

Saturday, August 6th, 2005

I bought an Apple Mighty Mouse a few days ago.

It seems very nice, I especially like the scroll ball, it is very intuitive. The right click is a bit strange in that you can’t touch the left side of the mouse while attempting to right click.

Aside from that one small quirk it’s an excellent mouse.